Handbook Of Violin Playing - Online tutorial

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substance, made, with the aid of Heir Hammig in Leipsic many trials with this impregnation, from which a remark­able result was to be got, but which was not of long duration. Herr Schradieck, who went later to America, knowing that the balsam pine still grew there, did not rest until he found this tree, believing that instruments made from it would again approach the old Italians. Several violins were found already made with balsam pine wood, but the brilliant expectations that were cherished were not fulfilled.
Points of note in the old Italian violins.
Maggini violins. These instruments are of large outline. The upper table is highly arched and the arching rises somewhat suddenly from the edges. The wood of the upper table is thick and very good. The back, compared to the upper table is less thick. The wood of the back is taken slab-wise (the trunk of the tree being cut in layers across the whole breadth). * The sides are shallow. The varnish is thin, transparent, and of a clear brown colour. The purfiing is frequently doubled; and spread over the back in arabesques. The tone of the Maggini violins is full and heavy, resembling the viola quality. The ticket is as follows: —
Andreas Amati These are mostly of small model. The upper table is of good, fairly thick wood, and very highly arched towards the middle. The back is cut on the slab. The varnish is brown and transparent. The tone is delicate and not powerful.
Antonius and Hieronmus Amati. The violins issued as the work of the two brothers in partnership are much esteemed. More instruments of small than of large size were, however, produced by them. The upper table is highly curved, and has towards the edges a groove or
* Regarding these two figures as sections of a trunk of maple the first shows how the slab back is obtained, (sur couche) and the second the other method. Tr.
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